Free Webinar: Introduction of China FSMP registration and current status analysis
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In China, Foods for Special Medical Purpose (FSMP) is a newly developing type of special food which is designed for patients. Though FSMP has not been widely used for clinic at present, its future market potential is promising. According to Food Safety law of the people’s republic of China (2015 version), before entering to the Chinese market, FSMP needs to get registered with Chinese authority SAMR (former CFDA). And the following questions are frequently asked by companies: What kind of product can apply for the FSMP registration? Are there any qualification requirements for the applicant? What is the registration process and what are the related dossiers requirements? In order to help companies have a better understanding of the China FSMP registration, this webinar will mainly focus on the following aspects to answer above mentioned questions: Introduction about FSMP and its categorization; registration background and process, registration dossier requirements and test requirements, current status and future trends. Besides, considering FSMP is a relatively new concept, many companies may find difficult in distinguishing FSMP, other food products and medicine. Therefore the difference between those categories will also be emphasized.
Presentation focus
- Introduction about FSMP and its categorization
- Differences between FSMP, other food products as well as medicine
- Background and process of FSMP registration
- Dossier requirements and test requirements of FSMP registration
-Current status and future trends of FSMP registration